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Blood Clots - Conditions and Cures with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Blood Clots - Conditions and Cures with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
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Blood clots may produce no symptoms, or any of the following may occur:

  • Pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the area where the clot is located
  • Heart attack or stroke


Besides inherited conditions, which cause a small percentage of blood clots, here are other known risk factors:

  • Abnormal lipids and plasma fibrinogen levels
  • Age
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (immune system mistakenly attacks some of the normal proteins in your blood and leads to clot formation)
  • Arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Being sedentary
  • Burns
  • Cancer
  • DVT in the past
  • Elevated homocysteine
  • Fracture or injury
  • Genetic factors such as prothrombin mutation or factor V Leiden
  • Pharmaceutical medications such as NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, hormone therapy drugs and some breast cancer medication
  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Increase in blood viscosity
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • IV drug abuse
  • Lupus
  • Long plane or car trips (longer than four hours)
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Polycythemia vera
  • Pregnancy
  • Sepsis
  • Smoking
  • Surgery (especially major surgery)
  • Thyroid disorders

Recommended Food

Mediterranean style diet with some modifications. This diet is rich in vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts and olive oil and low in dairy, sweets, and meats. The one recommended change would be to drastically reduce intake of processed grains, which increase the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Teas, including green tea, have been shown in several population studies to reduce the risk of stroke and to replace platelet clumping.

Pomegranate juice reduces platelet clumping.

Additional foods to consider include turmeric, garlic, cayenne and ginger, all of which confer a mild blood-thinning effect.

Foods to Avoid

Simple sugars


Packaged and process foods

Prescription for Natural Cures by James F. Balch and Mark Stengler

Super Prescription # 1 Nattokinase

Take 5,000 to 20,000 FUs daily. It is best taken on an empty stomach.

Super Prescription # 2 Fish Oil - LifeSource Product

Take 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA combined to reduce blood-clotting tendencies.

Super Prescription # 3 Pycnogenol - LifeSource Product

Take 100 to 200 mg daily. It inhibits platelet activity by stimulating the release of nitric oxide; it also improves circulation.

Super Prescription # 4 Vitamin E - LifeSource Product

Take 400 to 800 IU. Protects against clots.

Super Prescription # 5 Garlic - LifeSource Product

Take 250 to 500 mg daily. Reduces clot formation and aids in overall cardiovascular health.

Super Prescription # 6 Turmeric - LifeSource Product

Take 500 mg twice daily. Prevents platelet aggregation and inflammation of the blood vessels.

Super Prescription # 7 Grapeseed extract - LifeSource Product

Take 100 mg daily. Reduces clotting and improves circulation.

General Recommendations

  • Get plenty of movement every day.
  • If sitting for long periods get up every one or two hours and walk around.
  • On long plane flights make sure to get up and walk around when possible.
  • At a minimum, point your toes forward and backward for several repetitions every hour.

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

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