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Bad Breath (Halitosis) - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Bad Breath (Halitosis) - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Bad Breath (Halitosis) - Conditions & Cures
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Bad Breath (Halitosis)

LifeSource Vitamins

If you've ever eaten garlic or onions - or stood next to someone who has - you know that certain foods reliably produce a sour or strong odor on the breath. These foods, usually ones that are pungent or spicy, contain foul-smelling sulfur compounds that are released not just into the mouth but into the bloodstream and the lungs as well. Even if you brush and gargle, you'll continue to exhale the sulfur with every breath until the food is fully metabolized, a process that can take up to twenty-four hours. This kind of food-induced bad breath can sometimes be socially troubling (especially if your companions have not eaten the same sulfur-producing food that you have), but it is in no way a health threat. If you enjoy eating spicy, strong food, complementary medicine offers some effective ways to mask the temporarily offensive result.

Persistent bad breath, on the other hand, is medically known as halitosis and is a symptom of an underlying problem. Many cases are warning signs of insufficient oral hygiene. If you do not clean your teeth after eating, bacteria will feed on the food particles left in your mouth and emit sulfur as a digestive by-product. Eventually, these bacteria will cause tooth decay andgum disease, disorders that, in turn, lead to even worse-smelling breath.

If regular brushing and flossing don't improve chronic bad breath, it's quite possible that you are suffering from a toxic body system. An improper diet and a poorly functioning digestive system can lead to the accumulation of toxins, which is reflected in bad breath. If you are constipated (as are many people who follow poor diets) and cannot eliminate the poisons via your bowels, the body may try to expel some of them every time you breathe out. A cleansing program followed by dietary changes, should help get rid of the toxins and, with them, the cause of bad breath.

Also, undetected infections of the throat such as tonsillitis, as well as sinusitis can be the underlying cause of foul breath. These conditions may be the result of food or environmental allergens causing mucus formation and postnasal drip. Along these lines are chronic root canal infections, as well as teeth and mercury fillings that are decaying. The repeated use of antibiotics can wipe out the good flora in your mouth, which leads to the overgrowth of bad bacteria that cause bad breath.

Smoking is another obvious method of poisoning your body, and the best way to clear up the breath it causes is to give up the habit.

In rare cases, halitosis is a symptom of a serious disease. If the suggestions listed here don't improve your breath, consult a holistic dentist first and then a doctor, if necessary. It is possible that you have a dental disorder or even a disease of the kidneys or liver. Take chronic bad breath seriously, but do exercise some common sense. Our society places an unnaturally high priority on eliminating body odors, and many dentists have noted that otherwise healthy patients can become convinced their breath is offensive, when in fact it is perfectly normal. If your close friends and health professionals assure you that your breath is fine, it's probably wisest to trust them.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Prescription for Natural Cures by James F. Balch and Mark Stengler

Super Prescription #1 Chlorophyll - LifeSource Product

Take a teaspoonful of liquid chlorophyll after meals. Chlorella, alfalfa, and sprulina are also rich sources. Take as directed on the container.

Super Prescription #2 Xylitol

Use 4 to 12 grams of xylitol in natural gums, mints, toothpastes, or as a mouth rinse. This natural sweetener prevents the bacteria that cause bad breath from sticking to the mucosa of your mouth and teeth.

Super Prescription #3 Parsley

Take 5 drops of liquid parsley extract after each meal to freshen your breath.

Super Prescription #4 Probiotics / Dophilus - LifeSource Product

Take a product containing at least 4 billion organisms. Mix it into water, swish it in your mouth and swallow. It contains friendly bacteria that prevent the build-up of bacteria that cause bad breath, and it improves digestive function and elimination.

Super Prescription #5 Enzymes – Super Enzymes - LifeSource Product

Take a full-range enzyme with each meal to enhance the breakdown and the absorption of food.

Super Prescription # 6 Bitter herbs

Take a digestion formula that contains bitter herbs, such as gentian, to improve overall digestive function. Take as directed on the container at beginning of each meal.

Super Prescription #7 Milk Thistle / Silymarin – LifeSource Product

If you are frequently constipated, you probably need to detoxify your liver. Cleanse it with milk thistle ( Silybum marianum) extract. Choose a product standardized to 70 to 80 percent silymarin, and take 200 to 250 mg twice a day.

Helpful Info:

Click here to see all products, articles and studies for Bad Breath


- Unpleasant odor on the breath

Root Causes

- Pungent or spicy foods

- Inadequate dental hygiene

- Poor diet

- Constipation

- Smoking

- Tooth decay, gum disease

- Chronic infection in the mouth, throat, or sinuses

- Decaying mercury fillings

- Flora imbalance in the mouth and the respiratory tract

- Liver failure, kidney disease

- Diabetes



Recommended Food

Base your meals on healthful sources of fiber. Whole grains, raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, beans, and raw nuts and seeds will all improve your digestive system's ability to process food and expel toxins. Drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours. You'll keep your digestive system regular and help eliminate poisons.

If you go to a diner or old-fashioned restaurant, you may notice a sprig of parsley accompanies your meal. The parsley is meant to be more than a garnish, it's a traditional breath freshener that really works. Parsley is high in chlorophyll, an agent that neutralizes odor in the bloodstream and lungs. Other good sources of chlorophyll include green vegetables, watercress, and alfalfa. If you know you're going to eat a type of food that causes bad breath, you may want to incorporate some of these greens into your meal.

Vitamins A and C are necessary for good dental health. For Vitamin A, consume green or orange vegetables like carrots, kale, squash, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Eat citrus fruits for Vitamin C. Cultured products, especially live unsweetened yogurt, will encourage healthy bacteria to grow in the intestines and will improve digestion.

Food to Avoid

- Avoid foods that take a long time to travel through the digestive system. Red meat, friend food, and processed food all linger in the system and cause booth constipation and halitosis.

- Mucus slows waste matter in its passage through the intestines. Cut down on mucus-forming foods like dairy products, refined flours, chocolate, and bananas.

- Avoid foods that are high in refined sugar, which leads to tooth decay. Be especially wary of sticky treats like caramels or hard candies, which can lodge themselves between your teeth and attract oral bacteria.

- Foods that are most likely to cause temporary bad breath include garlic, onions, strong cheese, cured meats, and anchovies. If the resulting odor bothers you, limit or stop your consumption of these items.

Other Recommendations

- Brush after every meal, and floss your teeth before you go to bed. Many people who are assiduous brushers neglect to floss, but this step is vital to keep food particles out of the spaces between the teeth.

- Avoid kinds of toothpaste that are full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners. Natural toothpaste is now available at many drugstores, as well as at health food stores. You can also make your own with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Just before you brush, combine the two ingredients until they form a paste with a consistency that's to your liking. You should make a fresh mixture each time you brush your teeth.

- Commercial mouthwashes are just as bad as most toothpaste. They irritate the soft tissues of the mouth and can actually encourage bacterial growth. Instead, use a homemade mouthwash of water and essential oils.

- Even if you keep your teeth scrupulously clean, see your holistic dentist for regular check-ups. He or she can remove plaque and other buildups that you may not be able to reach and will also check for any early signs of decay.

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

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