Zinc and COVID-19. New Studies Showing Effectiveness
is essential for immune-cell development, and some studies have found that
it reduces the risk of contracting respiratory infections. It may also
reduce the number of days that someone has a cold or other respiratory
tract infection. About 30% of American adults are deficient in the mineral,
so taking a moderate dose of the supplement may be helpful anyway.
The study was double-blind, so neither patients nor researchers knew which
patients had the placebo. The findings: the
group cleared symptoms more than three days earlier – 4.4 days versus 7.6
days of the placebo group, and, until that point, suffered fewer days with
cough, headache, hoarseness, nasal congestion, and sore throat (fever,
muscle aches, scratchy throat and sneezing remained similar during the
cold’s duration).
A pathologist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine MD, and a
molecular virologist who, while at the University of California, San Diego,
did pioneering work in understanding coronaviruses sent an email to his
friends and family. In it he told them to stock up now with
. He said zinc had been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus and
most other viruses from multiplying in the body. He didn’t have any direct
proof that it would be a “silver bullet” to COVID-19 but felt that from the
studies done on similar viruses it should help.
Recommended dosage: 75 mg-100 mg per day
Here are the 2 studies:
Bruce Brightman – founder
LifeSource Vitamins