Ultra Aminos - Free Form Amino Acid Complex- 120 Capsules
Ultra Aminos - Free Form Amino Acid Complex- 120 Capsules
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Ultra Amino Acids
Free-Form Amino Acid Complex
120 Caps


Why do Free-Form Amino Acids matter?

Free-form amino acids do not have to be digested. They are absorbed through the small intestine, into the bloodstream and become quickly available to muscle or other tissues. They help to prevent muscle breakdown.

LifeSource Vitamins Ultra Aminos supplies a comprehensive blend of free-form amino acids, provided in the ratios found naturally in high biological value (BV) protein sources.

  • Maintains daily wellness with amino acid building blocks to support protein synthesis*
  • Supports athletic training, including muscle performance, energy production, and recovery*
  • Enhances healthy neurotransmitter synthesis with amino acid precursors to support cognitive function and positive mood*
  • Promotes immune function, in part by supporting healthy glutamine and glutathione levels*

Read Below: Full Description, Clinical Studies & Research on Aminos.
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Description Supplement Facts

Your body manufactures about 100,000 different proteins from 20 amino acids building blocks, 9 of which are considered essential, meaning that you must obtain them from your diet. This is where our Ultra Amino’s come into play!

People with limited diets or poor digestion may not get enough essential amino acids from their diet. In contrast to proteins or peptide-bound amino acids, our Ultra Amino blend at LifeSource Vitamins containing all 9 essential amino acids in their superior free-form state and in the proportions recommended by the National Academy of Sciences to optimize protein synthesis and tissue repair for adults age 19 and over. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and make up 3/4 of the body's solid material. They are found in muscle tissue, organs, blood, and skin. Amino acids also make hormones, enzymes, and vitamins and are essential for a healthy immune system and proper neurological functions.

While a balance of amino acids ensures adequate protein production, deficiency of any one amino acid can stop the production of proteins for which it is required. Occasionally, amino acids that are in high demand may become depleted, such as from severe infection or physical trauma, such as burns, which can deplete arginine and glutamine levels. For some health conditions, amino acid supplementation can be a useful option, notes Phyllis A. Balch, author of the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." However, supplementing one amino acid can lead to an imbalance of numerous other amino acids and proteins throughout your body. This is why it is important to supplement these amino deficiencies with a complete amino product like ours at LifeSource Vitamins.

See LifeSource Vitamins Branched Chain Amino Acids: BCAA’s: Click Here

Who Can Benefit From Amino Acid Supplements?

There are many reasons someone might benefit from taking an amino acid supplement. Strenuous exercise, aging, drug use, certain medications, infections, vitamin C deficiency, and B vitamin deficiency can all cause an imbalance in amino acids in the body. Here are some examples of when amino acid supplements can help:

- Research has shown athletes, bodybuilders, and others with a physically demanding lifestyle can experience better performance and stamina when they take amino acid supplements.*

- Amino acids can help speed recovery time in those who have experienced physical trauma or have undergone surgery.*

- Supplementing with amino acids is crucial for those with conditions that prevent them from eating solid foods. In these cases, amino acid supplements can help make up for some of the protein lost in the diet.*

- People with conditions like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, HIV/Aids, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue, and liver disease can all benefit from a general amino acid supplement. They may also find certain individual amino acid supplements to be very helpful as well.*

- Vegetarians, and especially vegans, may find it difficult to obtain a variety of amino acids from their diet. While it's true that vegetables, grains, pulses, legumes, and nuts do contain protein, a large variety of food must be consumed in order to provide adequate amounts of all the amino acids. There are vegetarian and vegan amino acid supplements available for those who need them.*

Why do Free-Form Amino Acids matter? Free-form amino acids do not have to be digested. They are absorbed through the small intestine, into the bloodstream and become quickly available to muscle or other tissues. They help to prevent muscle breakdown.

LifeSource Vitamins Ultra Aminos supplies a comprehensive blend of free-form amino acids, provided in the ratios found naturally in high biological value (BV) protein sources

  • Maintains daily wellness with amino acid building blocks to support protein synthesis*
  • Supports athletic training, including muscle performance, energy production, and recovery*
  • Enhances healthy neurotransmitter synthesis with amino acid precursors to support cognitive function and positive mood*
  • Promotes immune function, in part by supporting healthy glutamine and glutathione levels*

The branched-chain amino acids or BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) are popular among athletes because they help increase muscle mass, prevent muscle breakdown, and help in recovery after workouts. Aside from athletes, other people may also benefit from BCAAs, such as those who have a chronic loss of appetite, or those with certain brain disorders or muscle-wasting conditions. More studies are investigating their role in supporting the therapy of diabetes and certain forms of autism.

  • L-arginine, a non-essential amino acid, is believed to play a role in immune functions, wound healing, detoxification reactions, promoting insulin secretion, and improving sexual function.*
  • L-Glutamine serves as a fuel source for cells lining the intestines and is involved in several metabolic processes. It is believed to play a vital role in normal brain function, in protecting your body from ammonia toxicity, and in maintaining protein balance during severe stress.*
  • L-Lysine appears to be useful for treating genital herpes infections, as well as cold sores. It has also been found to help in collagen formation as well as building muscle and recovering from muscle injuries.*
  • The body needs L-Tyrosine to produce brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine these substances regulate mood and a deficiency in L-tyrosine has been linked to depression. Tyrosine is therefore known as the ‘anti-depressant’ among the amino acids. It also aids in the manufacture of melanin, the skin pigment that also acts as an antioxidant.*
  • Leucine appears to help prevent muscle loss that is associated with aging. Researchers found that leucine supplements can help restore youthful patterns of muscle-protein synthesis and breakdown in aging rats.*
  • Branched-chain amino acids are found in whey proteins, which are easily digestible and absorbed by the body. They are popularly used by athletes to reduce fatigue, help increase workout intensity, and help promote fat loss.*

See All LifeSource Vitamins Workout Products, Articles, and Studies: Click Here

Proudly Made in the USA!

Every LifeSource Vitamins product exceeds all regulatory standards and requirements set forth in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation. ( 21 CFR, part 111 ) as well as all Good Manufacturing Practices enforced by the FDA. CGMP's provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. ( CGMP ).

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

LifeSource Vitamins: from the nutrients we choose, to the way we run our business, we answer to God in all we do!