Why Supplement?
Because You Care About Quality of Life.
LifeSource Vitamins
Supplementation Helps to Correct Nutrient Deficiencies
* Modern diets are devoid of adequate daily nutritional requirements
* Nutrient deficiencies make us prone to infections, obesity and disease.
* Supplementation helps to overcome the negative effects of poor eating
Supplementation Helps to Replenish What's Missing in Food
* Depleted soils, pesticides and refining processes lower nutrient content
in food.
* Processing, transporting and storing foods reduces nutrient content even
* Supplementing with high quality plant enzymes, whole food vitamins and
chelated vitamins
can help to replace the vital nutrients your body needs.
Supplementation Helps to Combat Environmental Stress
* Inadequate chemical disposal and environmental waste increase health
* Chemically treated food can lead to disease and premature aging.
* Increased electromagnetic fields (e.g. microwaves, cellular phones,
computers, etc.) can weaken the immune system.
* Supplementation with antioxidants gives you the ammunition to fight back.
Supplementation Helps to Fulfill 21st Century Lifestyle Nutritional
* The rigors of stress compromise bodily function and can deplete vital
* The use of oral contraceptives, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption,
certain drugs,
pregnancy and lactation, and other activities in today's busy lifestyles
increase the level of stress .
* Supplementation can help to overcome nutrient depletion from lifestyle
Supplementation Helps to Decrease Risk of Disease and Reduce Health
* Degenerative diseases comprise the top four causes of death in America.
* Americans averaged more than $3,000 per person on health care in 1993.
* Supplementation can help to overcome nutrient depletion from lifestyle
stress, decrease the
risk of chronic disease, and significantly reduce health costs.
Why Supplement?
Because You Care About Quality of Life in your later years.
The most commonly asked nutrition question is "Do I really need to use a
supplement?" The answer is conclusively "Yes." Nutritional supplementation
can improve your health as well as your nutritional status. The health risk
of supplements is absolutely minimal when compared to the risks of
prescription drugs. In the last 50 years there has been just one recorded
death (a massive overdose) due to nutritional supplements. In contrast,
approximately 125,000 people die every year from prescription drugs .
Prescription drugs are, of course, often necessary to battle disease once
it attacks, but proper nutrition, including supplementation, is necessary
to help prevent those same diseases from attacking.
The five primary reasons to supplement are:
1. To correct nutrient deficiencies and/or make up for poor dietary
2. To replenish what is missing in your foods (vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
flora, and antioxidants).
3. To provide your body with the nutrition necessary to combat today's
environmental stresses.
4. To meet the higher nutritional needs of today's lifestyle.
5. To decrease your risk of chronic disease and reduce health care costs.
1. Supplementation can correct nutrient deficiencies and help make up
for poor dietary choices.
Many people think that nutritional deficiencies are only found in third
world countries where children are starving. The reality is that over 90%
of Americans are deficient in some vitamin or mineral, yet more than 33% of
the population is obese. We are an overfed and undernourished society. The
nutrient deficiencies created by our "modern" diet cause the body to be
more prone to viruses, disease, infections, obesity, allergies, headaches,
stress, strokes, fatigue, ulcers, bowel and colon problems, tumors, cancer,
kidney failure, heartburn, a weak immune system, arthritis, blood pressure
problems, heart attacks, and growth and circulation problems to name a few.
Today's "modern" diet does not provide enough of the nutrients we need.
Only 9% of the population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits
and vegetables daily. The 1997 World Health Report stated that our "modern"
diet is too high in fat, sugar, sodium, and saturated fat, and doesn't
provide enough vitamins, minerals or fiber to meet our nutritional needs.
"Worldwide, the adoption of this diet has been by a major increase in
coronary heart disease, stroke, various cancers, diabetes and other chronic
diseases." Our "modern" diet is leaving our bodies devoid of vital
nutrients, making us more susceptible to all types of diseases. Nutritional
supplementation is essential to correct nutrient deficiencies and to
overcome the effect of poor dietary choices.
2. Supplementation can help replenish what's missing in your foods.
Today's food supply no longer supplies your body with enough of the key
nutrients required for optimum health. Depleted soils, modern growing
techniques, preservatives, as well as the cooking and refining processes,
all result in lower nutrient content in the foods. Soil depletion and
modern growing techniques have depleted the mineral content of our foods.
For example, USDA tests showed spinach in 1948 with 158 milligrams of iron
per 100 grams. The iron content of raw spinach today is 2.7 milligrams per
100 grams. The nutrient content of food is reduced even further during
processing, transport and storage. The refining process removes 70 to 75%
of the minerals from our grains. Cooking food reduces its nutritional value
by destroying 20 to 50% of vitamins, all of the enzymes, some amino acids,
and "leaches" the minerals. By supplementing with high quality plant
enzymes, whole food vitamins and chelated minerals, you can start to
replace what is missing in your food.
3. Supplementation can help provide your body with the nutrition
necessary to combat environmental stresses.
With today's polluted environment and high-stress lifestyles, there are
more reasons than ever for taking nutritional supplements. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 60,000 chemicals have
been buried or dumped throughout the U.S. over the last hundred years, and
there are over 3000 different carcinogenic chemicals found in our foods.
These chemicals enter your body and begin to attack your tissues and cells,
which can lead to disease and premature aging. In addition to the effects
of these carcinogenic chemicals, smog, pollution and depletion of the ozone
layer create free radicals, which constantly bombard us and attack our
cells. Even common items such as cell phones, televisions, and computers
create free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that
"attack" healthy cells, weakening the cell membranes and leading to disease
and degeneration. Over 85 diseases, including heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, cataracts and emphysema, have been linked to free radical
damage. Free radicals and other environmental stresses are greater today
than they ever have been. Our bodies do not make enough antioxidants to
combat the damaging effects of today's world, so it is essential to supply
the body with the extra support it needs. Supplementing with antioxidants
gives your body the ammunition it needs to fight back against free
radicals, repair damaged cells and tissues, and reduce the risk of chronic
diseases, increase immune function and decrease infection.
4. Supplementation can help meet the higher nutritional needs of
today's lifestyle.
External stress and the demands of life can seem unending. They affect
virtually everyone in today's fast-paced society, and as a result, the
body's vital functions are often compromised. Stress depletes crucial
nutrients and creates a higher demand for specific vitamins and minerals.
Unless these nutrients are replenished, a host of stress-related symptoms
and diseases can arise. Besides stress, all of the following increase your
nutrient requirements: oral contraceptive use, heavy exercise, use of cell
phones and computers, alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation, some
degenerative diseases, certain drugs, cardiac failure, pregnancy and
lactation. These increased needs are not easily met by food, especially
considering the low nutrient content of today's food supply. The increased
nutritional needs of today's lifestyle can only be met through proper
5. Supplementation can help decrease your risk of chronic disease and
reduce health care costs.
The top four killers in America are not drunk drivers, violent killings,
AIDS, or illegal drugs. Number one is the non-contagious degeneration of
the heart called cardiovascular disease. Other non-contagious diseases are
numbers 2, 3, and 4. The war on these diseases has cost billions of dollars
and years of research, and yet the death rates continue to increase,
instead of decrease.
The chronic disease statistics reported in The World Health Report are
* Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA.
* Sudden blood clots in arteries (strokes) occur in about 500,000 people a
year in the U.S. and
for about 150,000 of those people, the stroke is fatal. About 2 million
American's daily lives
are affected by stroke-related disabilities.
* 58 million people in the US have hypertension - a major risk factor for
coronary heart
* Nearly a million cancer cases are found each year in people in the U.S.
* Approximately 16 million Americans have diabetes, the severest forms of
which cause kidney
damage, limb damage, and other cardiovascular damage.
* 1.5 million broken bones a year have been identified as partially caused
by weak and brittle bones due to osteoporosis. It is estimated that 20
million Americans over the age of 45 are affected by osteoporosis.
* 34 million Americans are obese. Obesity is associated with a higher
mortality rate, and is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular
Even more astounding than the chronic disease statistics is the amount of
money spent on health care for preventable diseases. Americans spent over
$3,000 per person in 1993 for health care. Japan and Sweden spent less than
half that amount and yet their life expectancy and infant mortality rates
are respectively first, second or third; America's is 16th and 17th.
Reviewing this data reveals a distinct trend - the countries with greater
use and history of natural medicine rank much higher than the U.S.
Economists estimate that by increasing our intake of vitamins and minerals,
we would reduce health care costs by 25% for cardiovascular disease, 16-30%
for a variety of cancers, and 50% for cataracts. The simplest and most
effective way to increase nutrient intake and reduce health care costs is
through supplementation. This fact is strongly supported by scientific
research studies.
Why Supplement?
Once you examine the facts, the question is no longer "why supplement?" but
rather "why wouldn't you supplement?". Whether you need to correct a
deficiency, want to improve your health and nutritional status, want to
make up for poor diet and a stressful lifestyle, or you want to reduce your
risk of disease, supplementation is crucial. Nutritional supplementation
can provide nutrient enrichment, improve digestion and help with
detoxification. People feel healthier and more energetic when they take
supplements. Supplements can help increase overall fitness and well-being,
improve the quality of your life, protect against premature aging and
support the immune system. If you care about your health, the choice is
clear - supplementation is essential!
Proudly Made in the USA!
Every LifeSource Vitamins product exceeds all regulatory standards and
requirements set forth in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation. (
21 CFR, part 111
as well as all Good Manufacturing Practices enforced by the FDA. CGMP's
provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of
manufacturing processes and facilities. (
LifeSource Vitamins: Driven by Faith ~ Powered by God
Have Questions on this or any other product or health issue for you or a
loved one? It can be overwhelming we know. Call us, we will walk you
through what supplements will help you and which ones you really don’t
need. It’s what we do! Toll-Free: 800-567-8122
LifeSource Vitamins – Founded in 1992
100% of our profits are donated to Christian Organizations like these
and many others worldwide:
Campus Crusade for Christ - CRU
The Jesus Film Project
World Vision
The Tim Tebow Foundation
Compassion International
Samaritan’s Purse
The Herman and Sharron Show on CTN (Christian Television Network)
and many more…
E-mail Us: [email protected]
or Call Us: 800.567.8122
We Are Built on Compassion - Driven by Faith & Powered by God!
None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
As always, consult your physician before taking any and all
LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.
All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the
opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the
entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies
have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on
the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the
article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your
health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing
your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own
hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical
conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking
supplements based on the information on this site.
LifeSource Vitamins: from the nutrients we choose, to the way we run
our business, we answer to God in all we do!