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Flax Oil 1,000 mg - Flax Seed Softgels - Organic 90 Softgels
Flax Oil 1,000 mg - Flax Seed Softgels - Organic 90 Softgels
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Flax Oil 1,000 mg
w/ 550 mg ALA (Alpha linolenic acid)
90 Softgels


  • Hexane Free
  • Natural Laxative
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Colitis

Read Below: Full Description, Clinical Studies & Research on Flax Seed.

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Description Supplement Facts

Flax Oil is a rich, balanced source of essential fatty acids. These beneficial fats play important roles in human health. This Flax Seed Oil has been specially pressed to be as close to the original oil in the seed as possible. Extreme care has been taken in bringing this product to the market in the softgel form, which hermetically seals the oil and protects it from oxidation and contamination. No preservatives, additives, bleaches, or fillers are used in this oil.

The seed is analgesic, demulcent, emollient, laxative, pectoral, and resolvent. The crushed seed makes a very useful poultice in the treatment of ulceration, abscesses, and deep-seated inflammations. An infusion of the seed contains a good deal of mucilage and is a valuable domestic remedy for coughs, colds, and inflammation of the urinary organs. If the seed is bruised and then eaten straight away, it will swell considerably in the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis and so is used in the treatment of chronic constipation.*

See All LifeSource Vitamins Flax Products, Articles and Studies: Click Here

Lower cholesterol, protect against heart disease, and control high blood pressure.
Several studies indicate that flaxseed oil, as well as ground flax seeds, can lower cholesterol, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart disease. Taking flaxseed oil may also protect against angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure. In addition, a five-year study done recently at Boston's Simmons College found that flaxseed oil may be useful in preventing a second heart attack. It may also help prevent elevated blood pressure by inhibiting inflammatory reactions that cause artery-hardening plaque and poor circulation.*

Counter inflammation associated with gout, lupus, and fibrocystic breasts.
Omega-3 fatty acids appear to limit the inflammatory reaction associated with these conditions. In cases of lupus, flaxseed oil not only reduces inflammation in the joints, skin, and kidneys but also lowers cholesterol levels that may be elevated by the disease. Taking flaxseed oil for gout may lessen the often sudden and severe joint pain or swelling that is a symptom of this condition. In addition, the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to boost the absorption of iodine--a mineral often found in low levels in women suffering from fibrocystic breasts--makes flaxseed oil potentially valuable for treating this often painful condition.*

Control constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis disorders and gallstones.
Because they are high in dietary fiber, ground flaxseeds can help ease the passage of stools and thus relieve constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis disease. In those with diverticulitis disease, flax seeds may also keep intestinal pouches free of waste and thus keep potential infection at bay. Taken for inflammatory bowel disease, flaxseed oil can help to calm inflammation and repair any intestinal tract damage. In addition, the oil may prevent painful gallstones from developing and even dissolve existing stones.*

Treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and rosacea.
The essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Red, itchy patches of eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea often respond to the EFA's anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. Sunburned skin may heal faster when treated with the oil as well. In cases of acne, the EFAs encourage thinning of the oily sebum that clogs pores.*

Promote healthy hair and nails.
The abundant omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil have been shown to contribute to healthy hair growth (in fact, low levels of these acids may cause dry and lackluster locks). Hair problems exacerbated by psoriasis or eczema of the scalp may respond to the skin-revitalizing and anti-inflammatory actions of flaxseed oil as well. Similarly, the oil's EFAs work to nourish dry or brittle nails, stopping them from cracking or splitting.*

Minimize nerve damage that causes numbness and tingling as well as other disorders. The EFAs in flaxseed oil assist in the transmission of nerve impulses, making the oil potentially valuable in treating conditions of numbness and tingling. The oil's nerve-nourishing actions may also help in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, a degenerative disorder of the nervous system, and protect against the nerve damage associated with diabetes and multiple sclerosis.*

Reduce cancer risk and guard against the effects of aging.
The lignans in flaxseed oil appear to play a role in protecting against breast, colon, prostate, and perhaps skin cancer. Although further studies are needed, research undertaken at the University of Toronto indicates that women with breast cancer, regardless of the degree of cancer evasiveness, may benefit from treatment with flaxseed oil. Interestingly, the oil's lignans may protect against various effects of aging as well.*

Treat menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, female infertility, and endometriosis.
Because the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in flaxseed oil help stabilize a woman's estrogen-progesterone ratio, they can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot flashes of perimenopause and menopause. Flaxseed oil may also improve uterine function and thus treat fertility problems. In addition, the essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil have been shown to block the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that, when released in excess amounts during menstruation, can cause the heavy bleeding associated with endometriosis.*

Fight prostate problems, male infertility, and impotence.
The EFAs in flaxseed oil may help to prevent swelling and inflammation of the prostate, the small gland located below the bladder in males that tends to enlarge with age. Symptoms of such enlargements, such as urgency to urinate, may lessen as a result. The EFAs also play a role in keeping sperm healthy, which may be of value in treating male infertility, and they can improve blood flow to the penis, a boon for those suffering from impotence. *

LifeSource Vitamins - Flax Oil is a rich, balanced source of essential fatty acids. These beneficial fats play important roles in human health. This Flax Seed Oil has been specially pressed to be as close to the original oil in the seed as possible.*

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Every LifeSource Vitamins product exceeds all regulatory standards and requirements set forth in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation. ( 21 CFR, part 111 ) as well as all Good Manufacturing Practices enforced by the FDA. CGMP's provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. ( CGMP ).

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

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