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Tea Tree Oil & Its Many Uses. - Article
Tea Tree Oil & Its Many Uses. - Article
Tea Tree Oil & Its Many Uses. - Article
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Tea Tree Oil & Its Many Uses
LifeSource Vitamins

Have you ever heard of tea tree oil? My hope is that after you are finished reading this, you will have a much better understanding of tea tree oil uses than when you came here. You can learn how it can help your acne; be used in soaps and shampoos; clear up your warts and toenail fungus, and many other uses it has. It has been used for thousands of years, proving the test of time.

Tea tree oil is full of medicinal properties that can transform your life. There are many ailments that can be cured using it. It got its name from the fact that it was originally used as a tea. But it was not long after that the world discovered its uses in everyday life. Whether you are suffering from acne, dandruff, or infections in your toenails, tea tree oil is your answer. This entirely natural oil can be used to give considerable positive results in your condition. It can help you get better faster. Tea tree oil has many uses, let's take a look at a few of them:

1. Be acne free: Almost all of us have suffered from the problem of acne sometime or the other in our lives. If everything that you have tested has failed, its time you explore tea tree oil acne relief. Yes, it has shown proven results in helping cure acne. Even though the results take time to appear, you can be sure that no side effects ever will.

2. Get flakes out of your life: Dandruff can be very embarrassing and very hard to get rid of. Tea tree shampoo can be of great help. It has been proven that Thursday Plantation tea tree oil has been successful in fighting dandruff.

3. It also helps in curing athlete's foot. Many types of research have shown tea tree oil to be highly effective when used for a period of 4 weeks.

4. If you are suffering from cold, flu, sore throat or systemic fungal infection, tea tree oil can be highly beneficial in breaking up the congestion.

5. If candidiasis or vaginal infections are something you are your aliment then tea tree oil may be able to help.

6. It is a great agent when it comes to killing bacteria. Thursday Plantation tea tree oil can cleanse and clean your pools and spas. It keeps bacteria where it belongs.

7. Toenails and Fungal Infection: studies have shown tea tree oil as an effective agent to battle toenail fungus.

8. Various shampoos and soaps also contain tea tree oil.

9. If you suffer from bad breath or gum disease, then using tea tree oil toothpaste can be of great help.

10. Eye aliment and blepharitis have also been known to be treated with it.

11. It is also efficient in treating minor wounds, insect bites as well as soothe sunburn and ear infection.

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Tea tree oil is a wonder-working solution that works against a wide variety of skin ailments. This essential oil is a proven success against several skin problems that do not respond well to chemical treatments and medicines. The wonder of tea tree oil lies in its powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight against common skin conditions to provide complete relief. From the aborigines of Australia, the rest of the world has learned the natural way to fight their skin challenges like dandruff, acne, blisters and cuts, sunburns and a host of skin eruptions and infections.

Toenail fungus is a very common condition in many parts of the world. People complain that their toenails simply look shriveled and ugly. In fact, many people also observe that the toenail itself seems detached from the actual nail bed. This is a cause for discomfort, especially when wearing shoes. The nail looks unsightly and the skin around the area becomes rough, leading to a miserable feeling while walking. Some people mistake this fungal condition for ingrown toenails but doctors will tell you the facts.

The anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil make it a great cure for toenail fungus. Even the most stubborn fungal infections are cleared with the regular application of tea tree oil on the infected area. Complete relief is not immediate, but you are assured of some soothing within a few days. There is a specific way to apply the tea tree oil to give maximum effectiveness. But first, test on the inner arm for any allergy to tea tree oil.

For starters, you could take a cotton swab, drench it with 2-3 drops of undiluted tea tree oil and wipe the swab beneath the affected nail and all over the nail. Allow this to dry before you go to bed. Leave it on overnight everyday till the condition is completely cleared up. You could cover the oil-coated area with a plaster before you get into bed. The oil seeps into the nail and attacks the fungus. Very soon, you will see the nail growing afresh and healthy, without any fungus affecting it.

For more complex recipes, you could mix Vaseline and tea tree oil in equal measure and apply on the nail. Other ingredients could include apple cider vinegar, iodine and Vicks to be mixed with tea tree oil and applied. Remember that this is meant for external use only and not for consumption. Avoid using toenail polish during this time. Wash your hands after cleaning or after application of the remedy. Keep feet dry for maximum time. Wear cotton socks or avoid shoes. Do not pick at the affected region. Apply the remedial mixture twice daily for a few months (3-6 months) until you are sure that the problem is solved.

Tea tree oil is very gentle on the sensitive skin and does not cause any harmful side effects. Many people have avoided prescription pills and used tea tree oil to fight toenail fungus successfully.

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

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