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Vaginitis - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Vaginitis - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Vaginitis - Conditions & Cures
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Vaginitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the vagina. The symptoms usually include burning or itching and may extend to abnormal vaginal discharge, painful urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. The vast majority of women will experience vaginitis at some point during their lives, and the unpleasant symptoms usually send women to their doctors for treatment.

Vaginitis is commonly caused by an overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans). Common symptoms may include vaginal itch and/or soreness, burning, a cottage cheese-like discharge, and pain during intercourse. A physician can make a diagnosis, after a microscopic examination and a culture of the vaginal secretion. Other common conditions can mimic vaginal yeast infections. These include bacterial vaginosis (BV); the symptoms of this bacterial infection can include an abnormal grayish-white vaginal discharge and a foul-smelling vaginal odor. Another common cause is trichomonas vaginitis. This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a one-celled microorganism called Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms include a foul-smelling, yellowish-green vaginal discharge and itching. Symptoms worsen during menstruation. This section focuses on yeast-related vaginitis. It is important to see your doctor to discover the cause of your vaginitis, because certain infections can be quite serious.

Women who experience chronic yeast infections often have a common history of being on repeated courses of antibiotics. While antibiotics may destroy harmful bacteria, they also have the potential to wipe out helpful normal flora in the vagina, as well as in the urinary and digestive tracts. Good bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, play an important role as part of the local immune system in the vaginal area. They function to prevent the overgrowth of yeast and other opportunistic organisms that can cause infection. In addition, these good acidophilus species help to maintain an acidic pH in the vagina, which makes it less likely that an overgrowth of yeast will occur. These good bacteria also produce hydrogen peroxide, which is a natural antimicrobial agent that kills bacteria and fungus. Acidophilus supplements taken internally, as well as applied directly into the vagina (insert at night and cover with a pad), are an effective means to prevent and treat yeast infections. This remedy is best done under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, it's helpful to eat yogurt that is rich in friendly bacteria. A 1992 study found that women who consumed 8 ounces of yogurt daily had three times less incidence of vaginal yeast infections, as compared to women who did not eat the yogurt.

A key dietary factor that will help prevent reoccurring vaginal yeast infections is to reduce simple sugars in the diet. Yeast thrives on sugar, and too much of it has a suppressive effect of the immune system. Finally, be aware that food sensitivities can aggravate yeast infections for some women.

The immune system is constantly on the lookout for opportunistic organisms such as the yeast Candida albicans. When functioning optimally, it keeps unhealthful organisms in check. High stress, poor nutrition, and other factors can impair immune function, allowing for the overgrowth of candida. Many conventional doctors argue that only people with severe immunosuppressive diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, have immune systems that are weak enough to allow for the overgrowth of yeast. This appears to be untrue, and a surprising number of seemingly healthy persons suffer from a weakened immune system, linked to systemic candidiasis.

Hormone balance is important in preventing vaginal yeast infections. These infections commonly occur one week prior to the beginning of a woman's menstrual flow. This is a sign that hormone balance playas key role in the susceptibility to vaginal yeast infections. It is not unusual for women who experience PMS to also have problems with yeast overgrowth. Imbalanced estrogen and progesterone levels lead to an unfavorable vaginal pH. Typically, many of these cases are caused by what doctors call "estrogen dominance." The normal increase of progesterone does not occur during ovulation, and as a result, the relative balance of estrogen is too high. We have also found that many women resolve their chronic susceptibility to vaginal infections once they discontinue the use of the birth control pill. It is a well-known fact that this medication increases the incidence of yeast infections.

In summary, natural approaches are your best bet to resolve chronic cases of vaginal yeast infections. They can also be effective for relieving acute cases, when used under the supervision of a medical professional. If you are pregnant, do not start any therapy unless instructed to do so by your doctor.

** All of these prescriptions below have been proven effective; level of effectiveness depends on the individual. Please consult your doctor when taking any and all supplements.

The top 7 vitamins and supplements shown to help Vaginitis:


Prescription for Natural Cures by James F. Balch and Mark Stengler

Super Prescription #1 Lactobacillus acidophilus - Insert 1 capsule intra-vaginally each evening, and cover with a pad overnight. Repeat for seven consecutive days for acute infections. Also, take a probiotic supplement (with friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) orally that contains at least 4 billion organisms twice daily, thirty minutes after meals. These friendly bacteria fight yeast overgrowth.

Super Prescription # 2 Homeopathic Combination Vaginitis Formula - Take as directed on the container. It contains the most common homeopathic remedies used for vaginal yeast infections.

Super Prescription #3 Boric acid - Insert a 600 mg capsule intra-vaginally each morning and evening for seven days for acute infections (cover with a pad). For a chronic infection, repeat for a total of two to four weeks. Vitamin E oil can be used on the external genitalia to prevent burning and discomfort. Note: Do not ingest boric acid orally.

Super Prescription #4 Echinacea - LifeSource Product - Take 3 ml or 500 mg four times daily for immune support.

Super Prescription #5 Vitamin C - LifeSource Products - See All of our Vitamin C Products. Take 1,000 mg two to three times daily for immune strengthen and support.

Super Prescription #6 Echinacea and Goldenseal - LifeSource Products - See All of our Echinacea/Goldenseal Products. Take twice daily or as directed on the container.

Super Prescription #7 Oregano Oil - LifeSource Product - Take 500 mg of the capsule form of 0.5 ml of the liquid twice daily or as directed on the container. Oregano oil has potent anti fungal effects and is very important for women who have repeated vaginal yeast infections due to systemic candidiasis.

Helpful Info:

Click here to see all products, articles and studies for Vaginitis



  • Itch
  • Soreness
  • Burning
  • Cottage cheese-like discharge
  • Pain during intercourse

Root Causes

  • Antibiotics
  • Poor diet (especially, too many simple sugars)
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Birth control pills
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Tight clothing
  • Excessive douching
  • Poor hygiene
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Candidiasis (systemic)
  • A suppressed immune system
  • Diabetes
  • HIV
  • A hormone imbalance
  • Flora imbalance



Recommended Food

Fortify you immune system by eating a diet that's focused on natural, whole foods.

One of the best dietary strategies for restoring the natural balance of vaginal flora is to eat a cup of unsweetened yogurt every day. Make sure the yogurt contains L. acidophilus and other friendly flora.

Garlic and onions can be consumed liberally for their anti fungal properties. Flaxseeds also fight yeast infections. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons daily, along with 10 ounces of water.

Women with vaginitis often suffer from dehydration. Drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours.

Foods to Avoid

If you have vaginitis, you have two reasons to avoid sugar. For one, many of the organisms such as Candida albicans, that cause vaginal infections feed on sugar. Second, sugar depresses the immune system, making it difficult to recover from your current infection and leaving you vulnerable to repeated cases of vaginitis. Do not eat any refined sugars, and restrict your intake of simple sugars from fruits, honey, molasses, and other natural sources.

Avoid foods that are high in yeast or mold, especially alcohol, aged cheese, dried fruit, nuts, and nut butters. You must also stay away from fermented foods, including vinegar, pickles, tempeh, and soy sauce.

Food allergies may be the cause of recurring vaginitis. If your symptoms disappear when you stop eating a certain food, eliminate that product from your diet.

Other Recommendations

  • Avoid sexual intercourse during the course of treatment to avoid irritation and re-infection. For some chronic cases of yeast-related vaginitis, the male partner needs to be on an anti fungal protocol (see the Candidiasis section).
  • Wear loose cotton clothing that allows your genitals to breathe. Avoid tight jeans and pantyhose with nylon crotches.
  • If you go swimming, change out of your wet bathing suit quickly. Otherwise, you'll create a breeding ground for bacteria.

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

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