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Whey Protein - Does It Really Work? By: Bruce Brightman - LifeSource Vitamins - Article
Whey Protein - Does It Really Work? By: Bruce Brightman - LifeSource Vitamins - Article
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Whey Protein - Does It Really Work?

By: Bruce Brightman - LifeSource Vitamins

Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is an amazing supplement. Whey Protein provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Nearly every bodybuilder knows the importance of protein supplementation.

Studies have been conducted that compare whey protein to numerous other sources. They have found that whey protein contains the perfect combination of overall amino acid makeup... and in just the right concentrations for optimal performance for the human body. Both hormonal and cellular responses are greatly enhanced with the supplementation of whey protein. Not to mention the benefits whey protein has on the body's immune system according to documented scientific research. Whey protein has also shown to play a role as an antioxidant and helps support a healthy immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

Whey Protein is very important for bodybuilders, dieters, and just about everybody! Since athletes and bodybuilders work out often, protein levels become depleted. By being a direct precursor to building muscle and essential amino acids, such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high-quality whey protein not only can but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bringing up the levels of protein. With dieting and those wishing to lose some extra fat, whey protein can be very useful because a good intake of protein balances blood sugar levels, while carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. When the blood sugar levels stay balanced, one is not as prone to rampant eating and has more energy and greater fat loss. Whey protein allows a person to control his or her diet effectively. Most people who want to change their body for the better could benefit from whey protein supplementation.

Whey protein has become a staple supplement for most bodybuilders and other athletes, and for good reason: it's a great protein with a wide variety of benefits. Whey has more recently caught on with the anti-aging/longevity-minded groups also.

A growing number of studies has found whey may potentially reduce cancer rates, combat HIV, improve immunity, reduce stress and lower cortisol, increase brain serotonin levels, improve liver function in those suffering from certain forms of hepatitis, reduce blood pressure, and improve performance, to name a few of its potential medical- and sports-related applications. Whey also has an exceptionally high biological value rating and an exceptionally high Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) content.

One of whey's major effects is its apparent ability to raise glutathione (GSH). The importance of GSH for the proper function of the immune system cannot be overstated. GSH is arguably the most important water-soluble antioxidant found in the body.

The concentration of intracellular GSH is directly related to lymphocyte's (an important arm of the immune system) reactivity to a challenge, which suggests intracellular GSH levels are one way to modulate immune function. GSH is a tri-peptide made up of the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamine and glycine. Of the three, cysteine is the main source of the free sulfhydryl group of GSH and is a limiting factor in the synthesis of GSH (though the effects of whey on GSH is more complicated than simply its cysteine content).

Because GSH is known to be essential to immunity, oxidative stress, and general well being, and because reduced levels of GSH are associated with a long list of diseases, whey has a place in anyone's nutrition program. Reduced GSH is also associated with over training syndrome (OTS) in athletes, so whey protein may very well have an application in preventing, or at least mitigating, OTS.

Pertaining directly to athletes, some recent studies suggest that wheyprotein may have direct effects on performance and muscle mass, but this research is preliminary at best. Some studies have found oxidative stress contributes to muscular fatigue, so having higher GSH levels may allow you to train longer and harder, as some recent data suggests.

See All LifeSource Vitamins Whey Protein Products, Articles, and Studies: Click Here

See All LifeSource Vitamins Workout Products, Articles, and Studies: Click Here

Bruce Brightman - founder

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

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