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Whey Protein ISOLATE - Grass Fed - Double Chocolate Fudge 1.1lb
Whey Protein ISOLATE - Grass Fed - Double Chocolate Fudge 1.1lb
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Whey Protein ISOLATE - Organic
Grass-Fed US Dairy Cows
(Not China)
Double Chocolate Fudge 1.1lbs.


Also Available in 3 lb size!

Our Whey Protein comes from Certified Grass Fed Midwest Dairy Cows that are:

  • Disease Free
  • Antibiotic Free
  • Pesticide Free
  • Chemical Free
  • Hormone Free
  • GMO-Free
  • rBGH Free

Only 5 Ingredients: Cross Filtered Whey Protein, L-Glutamine, Natural Cocoa, French Vanilla and Stevia.

See All LifeSource Vitamins Whey Protein Products, Articles, and Studies:
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Read Below: Full Description, Clinical Studies & Research on Whey Protein.

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Description Supplement Facts

An Unequaled Organic, Grass-Fed, Hormone Free, Pesticide Free, GMO-Free, Antibiotic Free, rBGH Free Whey Protein Isolate.

The Whey Protein that we use is Organic & Certified Kosher!

  • 12 Grams of our Pure Clean Proprietary Blend Protein 100% Whey Protein Isolate Per Serving (Chocolate & Vanilla .
  • Our protein powder is results-driven and effective, period!
  • Contains BCAAs, which are metabolized directly and absorbed quickly into muscle tissue. Therefore providing the desired results quicker! Guaranteed.
  • Easily uploaded to the bloodstream, unlike most Whey Protein.
  • Micro-filtration Technology was used in processing our Whey Protein Isolate.
  • Dried at Cold Temperatures, heat kills protein, so we won't use heat like 90% of all other whey protein companies!
  • Mixes Instantly and tastes amazing!
  • Nature's Highest Quality Protein from Grass-Fed cows that are Disease Free, Pesticide Free, Chemical Free, Hormone Treatment Free, and GMO-Free.
  • Undenatured Whey Micro fractions
  • Our Whey Proteins are sweetened with Stevia, not Sucralose or Fructose. In numerous studies on Sucralose & Fructose sweeteners have been found to be less than healthy and this is why we use Stevia. Sucralose has even shown weight gain as a result of taking it.

Product Benefits:

  • Easily Digestible for any age group and exercise levels.
  • Superior Amino Acid Profile, crucial for growth and retention of muscles.*
  • High Levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's)
  • Provides Maximum Nitrogen Retention, which enhances the growth of muscles.*
  • Superior Protein for Lean Muscle Growth, which helps with the loss of body fat.*
  • Supports Muscle Repair and Recovery, in turn, speeds up mass and building.*
  • Boosts Immune System, which keeps us healthy and active.*
  • Natural Antioxidant*
  • Appetite Suppressant, which reduces caloric intake and reduces weight*

Most whey protein comes from milk that has been pasteurized, but what does pasteurization mean and why is it important? Pasteurization (heating the milk at very high temperatures) by definition means the complete destruction of all the enzymes in the milk. Milk is declared pasteurized when you don't find any enzymes left.

  • But pasteurization not only kills the enzymes which are important complex proteins it also:
  • Alters the amino acids in the milk and destroys many, if not all of the important proteins
  • Destroys the unsaturated fatty acids
  • Kills most if not all of the vitamins
  • Greatly reduces the availability of the minerals

So after pasteurization, the milk is for all intense purposes not only essentially dead but puts a strain on your body because your pancreas needs to produce lots of digestive enzymes to digest and absorb the dead milk! Understanding how pasteurization affects the quality of the milk is incredibly important because the quality of the Whey protein powder, bars, and drinks can only be as good as the milk it's coming from. Dead processed milk can only produce dead processed whey protein and that's not what you want to feed your body if you want to be healthy and excel on the sports field. So the second step in choosing a quality Whey protein product is to make sure the milk used to produce the whey protein has not been pasteurized at high temperatures! You wonder why so many Whey Proteins on the market are cheap, it is simply because they are processed cheaply and simply don't work!

  • Our whey protein comes from grass-fed cows that are disease-free, pesticide-free, chemical-free, hormone-treatment-free, and GMO-free.
  • The milk used to make our whey has not been pasteurized or processed at high temperatures that destroy all the freshness & goodness in the milk.
  • The processing of these whey proteins is processed at cold temperatures and in a way that doesn't damage the fragile protein fragments or cultures.
  • The whey protein is not a by-product of a cheese-making process that damages the proteins.

LifeSource's Whey Protein selections have been designed by and for our Professional, Olympic, Body Builders, and Intense athletes around the world and tested on them as well to ensure Bio-Availability, Up-Loading to the bloodstream, efficient absorption to their muscle fibers, and overall results! Results and nothing else drive LifeSource and all of our Athletes.

We have a very select few ranchers that we deal with that raise the cattle the way we feel they should be raised. They raise them with Compassion and Humanely. These ranchers treat them wonderfully quite frankly. So we have had a tight-knit group of ranchers that we have always bought from that does not use any hormones, chemicals, GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). They also must be grass-fed which is what they should be ingesting for their long-term health. With this process comes the most nutritiously rich, nutrient-packed milk which in turn means the best possible whey protein is produced from this milk. Over 95% of all ranchers in the United States cannot qualify for us to work with them for our Whey Protein due to what they feed these animals, the hormones, antibiotics. They also add GMO Corn or food to cut their expenses; this is simply not acceptable for LifeSource, so this really limits who we can work with. I guess that commercial really is right, Happy Cows Make Happy Milk!

  • Grass-fed cattle produce whey protein that contains significant health benefits over corn-fed beef & other conventional means of raising cattle.
  • Grass-fed cows have higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These are the healthy fats found in salmon, flaxseed, and walnuts. Studies indicate these help prevent heart disease and bolster the immune system.
  • Grass-fed cows also produce higher levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA’s) and vitamins A & E. Research indicates that these antioxidants and healthy acids help fight breast cancer, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes.
  • With proper management, animals raised on pasture rather than Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s) or factory farms represent a net benefit to the environment. Farming cattle on pasture contribute to a complete ecological cycle. Grazing cattle cyclically do their own harvesting and fertilizing, which create the next cycle of vegetation.
  • Grazing cattle is the most effective way to reduce erosion and water pollution. The grasses produce solid root structures that help avert erosion, allow for the soil to hold water, refill aquifers, and protect surface water. Conversely, managed pasture lands make virtually no contribution to soil erosion, groundwater loss, or water pollution.

Raising cattle exclusively on grass is the most energy-efficient method whey cattle raising. Grazing cattle produce two calories of energy profit (food, fertilizer, and fiber) for every one calorie of fossil fuel used. By comparison, in order to raise cattle on grains, row crops are required. Cultivating row crops uses between five and ten calories of fossil fuel for each calorie of food harvested (machinery used for tilling, planting, and harvesting). Consequently, it is ten to twenty times more energy efficient to raise cattle wholly on grass than on grains.

Grass-fed meat and dairy products have less fat and more vitamin E, beta carotene, and cancer-fighting fatty acids than factory-farm products. All across the country, farmers and ranchers are returning to this ancient and healthier way of raising animals. Instead of sending them to feedlots to be fattened on grain, farmers are keeping animals home on the range. Cattle graze, lie down, chew their cud, graze—a soothing cycle, repeated day after day—and chickens hunt for seeds and bugs as their ancestors have for eons. Although raising livestock on pasture is viewed as a radical departure from modern ranching, it is simply a return to a more balanced system. Ranchers boycotting the feedlots are hardworking pioneers whose goal is to make a living selling their products directly to direct customers like LifeSource Vitamins, restaurants, and natural food stores. By eliminating some of the middlemen they hope to accomplish what can seem like an impossible dream: making a decent living from a small, family farm.


As we age we lose muscle, but also as we age we tend to eat less food, and protein in particular, so when you find yourself getting above 60 and see that your meat, protein intake is lessening this is a great time to add Whey Protein to your diet. You will be amazed when your body has enough protein just what it can do well into your elderly years. Don't make the mistake of not feeding your body protein as you age! You can also try our Meal Replacements, they are the exact same protein but with added vitamins& minerals to ensure you are fueling your body's needs completely!

Who should take Whey Protein?

Everyone, quite simply. Why? Our bodies need more protein to properly function than we can actually consume through our food channels. And the older we get the less we can attain the benefits of eating lots of meat as our bodies cannot process the hard to digest the fibers of meat in our later years.

Why Whey Protein from LifeSource Vitamins?

LifeSource's Proprietary Whey Protein delivers the perfect balance of essential and non-essential amino acids for super nitrogen retention and maximum muscle growth. It saturates your muscles with high-quality protein to help you pack on mass, giving you a positive impact on your performance. Most people over the age of 16 years of age should take protein as a supplement. From 16 to 98 and everyone in between, our bodies need protein to fuel the body for the body to work effectively as it is supposed to do. Everyone except Bodybuilders should eat less meat and consume more Whey Protein Isolate as it digests better and uploads better than meat and is not as hard on the digestive processes. Bodybuilders need both meat consumption and heavy Isolate-Whey Protein intakes to get maximum results.

See All LifeSource Vitamins Whey Protein Products, Articles, and Studies: Click Here

Whey Protein, Greens, and Reds all together?: Whey Protein w/ Phyto Reds & Phyto Greens Amazing Product!


*** We make our Whey Proteins every few weeks to ensure live proteins!

*** LifeSource's Whey Protein Isolate has 25 (Women) & 50 Grams (Men) of clean pure protein per serving that your body will utilize to the fullest. Women should take about 25 grams per serving. Men about 50 grams!

** Most Whey proteins will flow right through you with very little or no actual benefit! So make sure you buy the right, high efficient protein such as ours! Our WHEY is guaranteed to provide results! GUARANTEED!

***At LifeSource, we do not mass-produce our protein as most other companies do, we make small batches every couple of weeks to ensure that your body receives the freshest protein well and utilizes the protein as it is intended to through a fresh protein base.

Protein Requirements:

How much protein you need to consume depends on many factors. The WHO (World Health Organization) set the minimum protein intake at about 1/3 of a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The first column in the chart below reflects this. Protein requirements for most people should fall between the Medium and Typical columns.

Studies show weight lifters might need .72g/lb. of body weight; highly trained cyclists might need .8g/lb. of body weight; rigorous exercise training might require 1.3g/lb, and world-class lifters may use upwards of 1.6g/lb. A good rule of thumb is to eat protein (grams) to match your ideal body weight.

Daily Protein Intake

Ideal Weight









80 lbs.





100 lbs.





120 lbs.





140 lbs.





160 lbs.





180 lbs.





200 lbs.





220 lbs.





LifeSource's Whey Proteins are Perfect For Low Carb Diets!

These unique formulas are low in carbs and fat so when you want to increase your lean muscle mass and not your waistline, this protein will give your body what it needs. It's a pure, natural high-quality protein made from cow's milk, providing you with benefits in sports nutrition, weight management, immune support, bone health, general wellness, muscle building, and muscle retaining.

Take Your Workouts To The Next Level With Proprietary Whey Protein by LifeSource!

LifeSource Vitamins has created this amazing protein to help build your body, repair body cells, provide energy, and help control the processes of your metabolism. Clean, Pure, and nothing else added. This combination gives you pure, unadulterated whey protein with less fat, saturated fat, no cholesterol, lactose, and other carbohydrates in each serving than all of our competition. This will give you the results you have always desired but were never able to get as a result of inferior proteins.

LifeSource's Whey Proteins are the ultimate whey's for athletes and health-conscious individuals who want to build or maintain muscle mass. Unlike other products purified through a selective ion exchange process, LifeSource contains all of the essential amino acids and is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are metabolized directly and absorbed quickly into muscle tissue. Therefore providing the desired results.


Over the past few years, whey protein supplements have become increasingly popular with anyone who wants to lose fat and build muscle. Unfortunately, the confusing blend of ingredients in many supplements makes it very difficult for most people to make an educated decision about what to buy. We at LifeSource want to help clear it all up for everyone, as we know the supplement market can be misleading and confusing.

Many studies show that protein needs are greater for people who exercise. Of course, while it's possible to get more protein from food, it's certainly not easy or convenient. As a result, many people rely on whey protein supplements to meet their protein needs.

One of the reasons for the popularity of whey protein supplements is their high biological value. Biological value is used to measure the quality of the protein. Foods with a high biological value are considered to be higher in quality, as they contain all nine essential amino acids. Foods with a low biological value don't contain all of the essential amino acids.

You might be aware that a difference exists between protein derived from animal sources and protein derived from plant sources. Because protein from most plants lacks certain very needed amino acids, it has a lower biological value than protein from animal sources. In fact, a recent study shows that men consuming a diet containing meat gained more muscle and strength than those following a meat-free diet.

Should you buy a whey protein concentrate, a whey protein isolate or a combination of the two? Is hydrolyzed whey protein any better? Do the benefits of whey protein supplements that contain added ingredients - such as 5-methyl-7-methoxy-isoflavone - really justify the extra cost? Our opinion is that you should choose a supplement that contains 100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate from a company you trust, it is that simple.

** Protein is the second most abundant substance in body-second only to water. An absolute key to maintaining a health vital body, protein plays an important role in...

  • Boosting immune function
  • Inhibiting cancer cell proliferation
  • Increasing the efficacy of cancer chemotherapy drugs
  • Protecting against free radicals and boosting cellular glutathione levels
  • Extending life span in laboratory animals
  • The growth & development of all body tissues
  • Formation of hormones
  • Regulation of pH in blood & tissues
  • Regulation of fluid in the body
  • Formation of enzymes and antibodies
  • Protein is the major source of building materials for muscles, hair, nails, skin and internal organs. With so much at stake, attention must be focused on sufficient intake of protein in our diets. And even greater demands for protein are placed on athletes with rigorous training schedules. 'An accurate evaluation of protein consumption is warranted in order to make any necessary changes in diet or supplementation.


Q: Why do I need protein?

A: Protein is an important nutrient needed by everyone of a daily basis. It is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the "building blocks" for healthy bodies. Protein has a number of different roles in the body including the following:

  • Repair body cells
  • Build and repair muscles and bones
  • Provide a source of energy
  • Control many of the important processes in the body related to metabolism

Q: How are the essential and non-essential amino acids different?

A: The body is able to make non-essential amino acids from other amino acids in the body. However, the body is not able to make essential amino acids and the only way to get them is by eating high-quality protein foods. Protein sources that contain all of the essential amino acids are called complete proteins. Our Whey Proteins are a naturally complete protein, the best way to supplement your protein intake.

Q: Is whey protein good for athletes and people who exercise?

A: "Critical" would be a word I would use here! Whey protein is a high quality, complete protein, with all the essential amino acids. Whey protein is also the richest known source of naturally occurring branched chain amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine). These are important for active individuals, individuals who exercise and professional athletes. The body requires higher amounts of branched chain amino acids during and following exercise as they are taken up directly by the skeletal muscles versus first being metabolized through the liver, like other amino acids. Low BCAA levels contribute to fatigue and they should be replaced in one-hour or less following exercise or participation in a competitive event. Our Professional, Olympic and intense athletes consume a LifeSource Whey Protein beverage before and immediately after exercise or an event to help repair and rebuild lean muscle tissue. It should also be taken by anyone, age doesn’t really matter here as we all need protein intake young and old. Without question as protein helps keep muscle tone. Our mistake as adults is that we think we are just getting old and losing muscle tone when what we are really doing is not feeding enough protein to our bodies which would help us keep the muscle tone and thus we don't retain muscles that we should through everyday life.

Q: Is whey protein compatible with a low-carbohydrate diet?

A: Yes. Whey protein is not only compatible with low-carbohydrate diets it is an ideal choice. Be sure to select whey protein isolate which provides high-quality protein without the carbohydrates and fat often limited in low carbohydrate diets. LifeSource's Whey Proteins are a perfect low carb nutrient.

Q: Will whey protein help me lose weight?

A: Adding our Whey Protein to your diet is a great way to jump-start a weight loss program. Whey protein is a key ingredient in numerous weight loss and meal replacement products and whey protein (with no fat or carbohydrates) is often the preferred choice. Studies have found that individuals who combine diets with leucine rich protein foods, like whey protein, and exercise have more lean muscle tissue and they lose more body fat. As they lose fat their metabolic rate increases and they naturally burn more calories each day. Another way that whey protein helps manage weight is by promoting satiety, or a feeling of fullness. One recent study showed that whey protein was superior to casein, the other protein in cow's milk, in promoting satiety.

Q: Is whey protein a good protein choice following bariatric weight loss surgery?

A: Following bariatric surgery, it is important to follow a special diet designed by a physician and/or nutrition professional. Protein plays an essential role in diets, as it is the primary food source following surgery. Inadequate amounts may contribute to hair loss, muscle loss, and poor skin tone. LifeSource's Whey Proteins are an excellent protein choice post-surgery as it is very easy to digest and efficiently absorbed into the body. It doesn't sit in the stomach for long periods of time like beef and other protein foods that may upset the system.

Q: How does whey protein compare to other types of proteins?

A: Protein foods are not equal and can vary in a number of ways including the following:

  • Number and quantity of essential amino acids
  • Digestion and absorption rates
  • Fat content
  • Taste
  • Purity

Whey protein is a very high-quality complete protein with rich amounts of all the essential amino acids. Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein, which is why it is absorbed so quickly and efficiently into the bodies muscle tissues for maximum results.

Q: How does whey protein compare to soy protein?

A: Here are some of the differences between whey protein and soy protein.

Whey protein is a nutritionally complete protein. It contains bioactive ingredients, like immunoglobulins and lactoferrin that help supports the immune system.

Athletes prefer whey protein to soy protein due to its rich abundance of branched chain amino acids and its quick absorption rate. These are important to help repair and rebuild muscles after a workout or competitive event.

Whey protein has a fresh, neutral taste compared and will not change the taste of foods you add it to.

Whey protein does not contain isoflavones or any other components with potential hormonal effects.

Q: I eat a lot of fish, chicken, eggs, soy, and beef. Why do I still need whey protein?

A: Healthy diets should regularly include high quality, low-fat sources of protein, like whey protein. Calories do count and you want to make sure that you are getting the most benefit from the calories you consume. Compared to other proteins, on a gram-to-gram basis, our Whey Protein's delivers more essential amino acids to the body but without the fat or cholesterol. Our Nutritional experts and experts around the world recommend a diet with a variety of protein foods but for optimal results make sure that the main consumption is Whey Protein from a company you trust!

Q: Can I get enough whey protein by drinking milk?

A: Milk is a highly nutritious beverage however; it only contains about 1% of whey protein. In order to get all the benefits of whey protein, you need to take a concentrated whey protein powder like our Whey Protein.

Q: Are all whey proteins the same?

A: No. There may be a major difference in the quality of whey protein based upon the following factors:

  • Source of Milk: The Cows that are producing this whey. We know our cows, they are healthy and happy!
  • Production Method
  • Type of Cheese Produced
  • Individual Manufacturer Specifications
  • Added Ingredients

Q: Is whey protein easy to digest?

A: Whey protein is soluble; a very easily digestible protein. It quickly enters the body to provide the important essential amino acids needed to nourish muscles and other body tissues. This is one of the reasons it is a common ingredient in infant formula and protein supplements for medical use.

Q: If I'm lactose intolerant should I avoid whey protein?

A: Individuals with lactose intolerance should select a pure whey protein isolate, which has less than 0.1 gram of lactose per tablespoon (20 grams). This is less lactose than the amount found in a cup of yogurt and research has shown that most people with lactose intolerance have no trouble taking this very small amount of lactose. Individuals with lactose intolerance should avoid whey protein concentrates as they usually contain lactose and the amount can vary greatly from product to product. LifeSource's 100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate is ideal for those who are lactose intolerant.

Q: Is whey protein a good choice for vegetarians?

A: Yes, LifeSource's Whey Proteins are an excellent choice for vegetarians who include dairy products in their diet.

Q: Does whey protein contain gluten or wheat protein?

A: Some do, but LifeSource's Whey Protein's do not contain any gluten or wheat.

Q: What are the side effects of taking LifeSource's Whey Protein's?

A: There are no documented side effects provided a person does not have an allergy to dairy proteins or does not need to restrict dairy products for medical reasons. If you are allergic to dairy proteins please consult with a physician prior to consuming any type of whey protein.

Q: Is LifeSource's Whey Protein's safe for pregnant women and children?

A: Whey protein is a complete high-quality protein and should be an acceptable protein source for healthy pregnant women and children, provided they are not allergic to dairy proteins. The second most abundant component in whey protein is alpha-lactalbumin, which is one of the main whey proteins in human breast milk. Infant formulas often contain whey protein, including special formulas for premature infants. Prior to taking any whey protein, both pregnant women and parents of young children should consult a physician to be sure whey protein isolates are right for them.

+ By comparison, grass-fed cows produce whey that is lower in saturated fat than corn-fed, due to the fact that grass is high in protein and fiber while being low in starch. For example, according to the “Food Revolution”, a sirloin steak from corn-fed feedlot cows has more than double the total fat of a similar cut from grass-fed cows. So we all know what this means as far as Whey Protein, simply a far superior protein, better for your body and absorption which means better results.

Note: We do not use any chemical agents that add an anti-caking or disbursement. For maximum results shake the container well before each use. This product is a natural product and must be kept at room temperature or cooler. The heat will cause deterioration. Because this product is completely natural, there can be variations in color and consistency. This is normal and does not affect the quality of the product.

Our Double Chocolate Fudge Whey Protein Isolate has only 5 ingredients. The most advanced Grass-Fed, Hormone Free, Pesticide Free, GMO-Free, Antibiotic Free, rBGH Free, Whey Protein Isolate you can find anywhere at any price! Dried at Cold temperatures. Loaded with BCAA's and L-Glutamine. Clean, Pure, and Fresh!

Proudly Made in the USA!

Every LifeSource Vitamins product exceeds all regulation standards and requirements set forth in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation. ( 21 CFR, part 111 ) as well as all Good Manufacturing Practices enforced by the FDA. CGMP's provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. ( CGMP ).

LifeSource Vitamins: Driven by Faith ~ Powered by God

Have Questions on this or any other product or health issue for you or a loved one? It can be overwhelming we know. Call us, we will walk you through what supplements will help you and which ones you really don’t need. It’s what we do! Toll-Free: 800-567-8122

LifeSource Vitamins – Founded in 1992

100% of our profits are donated to Christian Organizations like these and many others worldwide:

Campus Crusade for Christ - CRU

The Jesus Film Project

World Vision

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Compassion International

Samaritan’s Purse

The Herman and Sharron Show on CTN (Christian Television Network) and many more…


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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

LifeSource Vitamins: from the nutrients we choose, to the way we run our business, we answer to God in all we do!
